Welcome to my wedding planning blog!

About my wedding: Summer 2012 -- 200-250 guests (local and international) -- New England location (outside or inside) -- Activities including golf or boating -- Food and music are priorities

Please share any tips, recommendations or advice!!!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My Wedding - Introduction

Thank you for visiting my wedding planning blog. My mom asked me the other day if I had given any thought to where I would want to get married and how many guests I expect to invite. I was caught completely off-guard - primarily because I'm not even engaged!!

Her question wasn't completely out of the blue though... I have a very serious boyfriend of over seven years who is ready to tie the knot. We've talked extensively about getting married, our life together, family and even rings!

Even though I'm not engaged today, I probably will be within the next six months and will target a summer 2012 wedding date. The more I begin to think about the planning process, the more overwhelmed I become. I generally have a sense for what is most important to me - to throw a great party, to make sure my family is comfortable and has fun and to have great food and music. I'm far less concerned with the location or the optics and definitely do not want to spend my life savings.

At the same time, I know myself and I really enjoy nice, beautiful things - I can easily imagine getting carried away and spending a small fortune on having the "perfect wedding". For this reason, I decided to start researching and planning now - while I have time and don't have any pressure. This way, I can start to figure out what I like, what I want and how much it is all going to cost.

This blog is an outlet for me to track my thoughts and progress - at the same time, I welcome any recommendations, helpful hints or stories from all of you!

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